Saturday, October 2, 2010

Markel sign in heel jar test ,and others!!

Abdominal pain upon vibration (the heel jar test) is commonly known as which of the following?
  • a.Markel sign
  • b.Blumberg sign
  • c.Rovsing sign
  • d.Obturator sign
  • e.Iliopsoas sign
  • f.Courvoisier sign
  • g.Dance sign

The answer is (a).
The Markel sign(which is a maneuver to detect peritoneal irritation) is tested by the heel jar test; the patient stands on his or her toes, then allows his or her heels to hit the floor, thus jarring the body and causing abdominal pain in peritonitis.
The Rovsing sign occurs when palpation of the LLQ causes pain in the RLQ.
The obturator sign is pain occurring when the bent leg is rotated laterally and medially.
The iliopsoas sign occurs when the patient tries to raise the leg up against the hand of the examiner pushing down against the leg above the knee.

-The Markel sign,obturator sign, iliopsoas sign, and Rovsing sign are seen in appendicitis. A patient with appendicitis may also have pain on rectal examination if the posterior appendix is involved.

The Courvoisier sign is a palpable nontender gallbladder, which suggests neoplasm.
The Dance sign is the absence of bowel sounds in the RLQ due to intussusception

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